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SiLence: A Mysterious Language

When I am alone and quite or else in a group at a place where words have ceased to exist it’s precisely in those moments I feel an existence of a person name "NoBoDy" or at least that’s what I named him or may be her, I am not sure of its gender. "NoBoDy" speaks in a language weirder then its existence. I named it “SiLence”.

"NoBoDy" even yells sometimes, just like us. And "NoBoDy" yells in so hard that I always try to switch to our action mode, the one which we are so much used to, and so are completely unconscious about, most of the time. I mean things like listening to music, thinking, planning, gazing at something, playing games, reading etc in simple words. I figured out that this makes it stop yelling. And so I try my best to kind of keep beating it every now and then, by using our action mode technique.

"NoBoDy" belongs to "No Country” following “No Religion” and it’s the purest form of religion I have come to know so far.  Anyways it’s not "NoBoDy” that I wish to shed some light on but it’s “SiLence” the language that "NoBoDy" speaks in, that caught my attention. And what I have learned about this language is so helpful to me personally, that I couldn’t just keep it to myself, and thus am sharing it, with the rest of humanity.

Now although I am familiar with many languages, but these are all regional, having inherent uncertainty, restrictions or grey areas lulling within them. “SiLence” on the other hand is universal and so is free from all these side effect. It is simply astonishing. It is so useful and so full of energy that it shocks me every time even when I am thinking about it. I know or have learned a few words of this language and am sure you can learn it too and get benefited as much as I did or maybe even more, depend on your eagerness, your ego quite frankly. I should warn you though, that the language is quite full of strange mysteries. So please learn it at your own risk.

Humans have really not spent any time to research about this language and so it turn out to be a mystery by now. But it’s not that hard. One can still learn it. And it’s for sure helpful. You can never be lonely once you have learned this language. Whenever you are sad or depressed or frustrated or angry, all of which is so obvious in our 21st century, just start speaking it and you will feel like a two year old baby. That’s the actual reason for my learning it too. If I check my love towards this language, it’s astonishing. My friends and family can be the witnesses to this.

It’s like a having remote control that has a unique pause & play button. By pressing pause we can literally pause all that’s going on in this world, things we can see from our naked eyes or all that’s going on within our brain to be precise. But one can’t simply get this remote control by learning just a few words of this mysterious language but one rather has to be masters of this language just like "NoBoDy ". One should get as fluent as one can and that’s it one is then blessed with this remote control. And then it’s utterly your choice. Pause and play whenever you wish.

So Good Luck!!! Learning this strange language and please say thanks to "NoBoDy" on my behalf, whenever you felt it, I forget to tell him the last time I felt it.


  1. You are still not old enough to become master in it. You will be a master only once you make yourself more involved to the actions which shall distress-fully lead to SiLence. Good Luck with your Learning. ;-)


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