I want to share my predictions for 2035, primarily out of curiosity. My goal is to look back on this post and see how many of these predictions came true. This exercise isn’t just fun—it’s also a way to optimize my judgment, much like how an AI model fine-tunes its parameters based on data. Similarly, I aim to refine my thinking by comparing it to the reality of 2035.
Admittedly, making bold predictions is risky, as it’s a form of “standing out,” something Jordan Peterson cautions against in his "Zebra Story." If you haven’t heard it, I highly recommend watching "The Zebra Story | Jordan Peterson".
For context, I often jokingly refer to the internet as God with my friends and family. We call it "Dev" or "Bhagwan" in Hindi. If the internet is God or "Dev", then AI is its amplified form—a “Mahadev”. In mathematical terms, if the internet is f(x), then AI is 10^f(x). This isn’t to say there’s nothing more powerful coming, but for now, AI represents humanity’s most significant creation.
Here are my predictions for this exponential force that is reshaping our world:
1. The Evolution of UX and UI
Current user interfaces will become obsolete. The days of logging in, filling out forms, clicking buttons, and scrolling will fade. Voice, touch, and gestures will dominate as primary ways to interact with technology.
All tech stacks we currently(2025) know might become obsolete. New stacks will emerge.
2. Data Wars
Global power dynamics will revolve around data ownership. Strong nations will strive to control their own versions of Google, Facebook, Amazon, OpenAI, and other tech giants to secure sovereignty and reduce dependency.
3. The Decline of Curiosity
Many people will grow lazier and less curious, leading to increased tribalism and division. New factions will form, but the underlying fragmentation will persist.
4. AI’s Hidden Impact
AI will revolutionize biotech, healthcare, education, entertainment, finance, transportation (including space), manufacturing, and energy. However, the truly transformative effect of AI will likely emerge in an area we haven’t yet imagined—just as the internet’s most significant impact has been on how we think, feel, and behave (Influencing and owing masses attention)
5. Fake Mindfulness
Meditation and mindfulness will see a surge in popularity, but most offerings will be shallow, noise-driven imitations of true mindfulness. Whatever will be popular will be half-baked, missing the meat, of roots of why and what is mindfulness about.
6. Brainwashing as a Norm
Brainwashing will become socially acceptable, even competitive. Those who can influence the largest number of people will hold the most power.
7. Tribal Scientists
The number of truly independent scientists will dwindle. Many will align with specific agendas or “tribes,” compromising scientific integrity. To have a scientist like Richard Feynman will be a myth.
8. The Shortcut Culture
The pursuit of shortcuts will reach its peak. People will avoid the “10,000 hours” of effort needed for mastery, often giving up if no quick solution exists. Whoever will put in the "10000" hours will be in a power position already to not lose it or an outlier out of randomness & pure luck.
9. Unstable Governments and Universal Basic Income
Job displacement due to AI will lead to economic instability. Governments will struggle to implement universal basic income to address unemployment, as economic growth depends on widespread participation. Leaders will avoid owning problems(lack of jobs, hollow education, purposeless living) and obfuscate them intentionally to not awaken the masses.
10. Hope Over Truth
Leaders will focus on selling hope rather than addressing hard truths. Solving complex, interconnected global issues will require unprecedented collaboration—something trust deficits will make difficult.
11. Erosion of Personal Trust
Trust within families and communities will weaken. AI-generated approvals will overshadow generational wisdom and human connections.
12. Digital Detox Centers
These will become necessities, not luxuries, offering refuge from overwhelming digital dependence.
13. AI Prompting Humans
AI will proactively suggest actions to humans, evolving from passive tools to active influencers. “AI Prompting Humans” could become a profession, with these experts shaping AI interactions and guiding decisions. These will be the people who will be able to get the most out of AI. They will be the new "Gurus". The real "Masters" of the future. Influencers in its true sense. Humans will let go of their own power and give it to these "AI" models.
Think suddenly you get a notification on your phone that says "You haven't eaten a Chiptole in three months and you should. You always feel good after it". or "I suggest you should watch this Video or Movie" or "I believe you should unfriend or stop following X, Y & Z" And you will listen to it without any doubts. So AI will not be waiting for your prompt, it will prompt you.
14. Semiconductor Wars
With AI’s reliance on immense computing power, the race for advanced semiconductor chips will intensify. Nations with cutting-edge chip technology will dominate global power structures.
15. Data Colonialism
Stronger nations will exploit weaker ones through “data imperialism.” Access to computing power will define global hierarchies.
16. AI Model Hackers
The most sought-after hackers will be those capable of manipulating the weights of AI models, influencing their behavior and outputs.
17. The Loss of “Why”
Human reasoning will decline as people prioritize instant answers over understanding. The question of “why” will fade, replaced by a focus on “what.” Humans will skip the "reasoning" | "explanation" part of AI and directly jump on answers. No AI model will force the "why" on humans, in fact, may heavily incentivize them to keep it turned off. Humans will not even ask for it once trained to behave in that way.
18. Altruistic AI Models
Some rare AI models will focus on refining the “why,” holding up a mirror to humanity. However, funding constraints will make these initiatives scarce. It will kill most of them. Read my other blog "Asking the right question" to get context.
19. Physical Connection as Luxury
Physical gatherings, eye contact, and human touch will become rare luxuries, marketed as exclusive retreats or experiences. I can foresee retreats and vacations being sold around this.
20. Mass Migration and Digital Nomads
Global migration will increase, driven by job displacement. Special visas for digital nomads will celebrate rootlessness, and this trend will erode cultural and generational identity. The future kids and grandkids will not know where (which country, culture, etc) they belong to and may not even ask this question.
I look forward to revisiting this post in 2035 to see how many of these predictions came true. Perhaps I’ll be completely off the mark, or maybe I’ll uncover insights to refine my thinking further. Either way, I’m putting these thoughts out there, painting my Zebra stripes to red —let’s see what happens.
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