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It’s the most wonderful time of the year

Audit Time!!

Every year mostly in or around first week of January, I sit on my bed and ski through the past year events. I audit myself. And I do it with utter honestly and immeasurable enthusiasm. I record the conclusions then and read them as and when I feel like reading it in coming year(s).

I have done this since 2007 to be specific, as that was the year when I was added to Boston and subtracted from Mumbai. But I kind of regret why haven’t I done this since I was 10 or 12 years of age. In fact I truly believe that this should be taught in every school and encouraged by every parent. I wonder whether Sir Ken Robinson would agree.

Auditing is essential. Every business knows this. It keeps things in balance and helps in commencing any future plans. Living a human life in 21st century is almost like running a business, cause they both deals with profits and losses, goals and planning, building and maintaining relationships, etc. I mean we all do this in some way or the other. So there is nothing new I am bringing to the table as such. But all I am doing is that I am improvising by jotting things down on paper so that I can deal with them rationally, efficiently and avoid any mental hurdles such as forgetfulness, laziness, etc.; I have had this insight which I don’t recall when exactly but it’s that “the human mind is just a tool and nothing more so I must respect its limits and use it accordingly”.

Jotting things on paper is the simplest wisdom to live by, which is exactly why, it’s been ignored by almost everyone in varying situations, including me. And by things I mean our thoughts, ideas, imagination, no matter how stupid, improbable or crazy they may be. So I decided to live by it, by making it a yearly event. Here is the list that I keep up for auditing myself:

1) Top ten things I would love to do before I die
Comments from my personal Experience:
Well I started with ten but can’t even cross five these days. Also note that this list might change drastically from its previous versions or may not change at all.

2) Top ten things I wish wouldn't have happened to me this year
Comments from my personal Experience:
Mostly it’s my own failures, my own faults but at times it includes things that I know are not in my hands or under my control. Like I once noted that “Why do I need green card or a H1 to be in USA?”

3) Top ten things I wish would have happened to me this year
Comments from my personal Experience:
Mostly it’s preposterous and hence it’s my most favorite list. Please be realistic and unbiased while filling this list. Knowledge of probabilities would prove to be of great assistance.

4) Top ten things I am proud I have done this year
Comments from my personal Experience:
Except for the poetry's I wrote there is nothing much I can fill this list up with usually so I hate it quite frankly! It’s like seeing a mirror and realizing that “this is so not who I am”.

Again the idea here is to keep a historical record of your goals and wishes and audit your psyche honestly so feel free to edit the list above per your personal needs and situations. The more the, honest and rational you are, the more this records will prove beneficiary in comings years. What I mean by this is like I once wrote “I want to come up with an idea which is as big as Facebook if not less” or “I want to become a millionaire by 50”. Now I am not saying that “you can’t, so avoid writing such statements right away” but rather I am warning you of the tricks your mind will undoubtedly play.  So please be genuine and respect probabilities of things happening around you.

Make filling this lists an essential part of your life so assign yourself a quiet place and enough time, I took at least an hour or so, before emptying your pen’s ink and killing it softly.


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