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IT: A Virtual Fire

Information Technology or IT was a trade mark of 20th century. It’s worthwhile to ponder on it’s fascinating after effects and realize, what was it that made it as one of the most astonishing inventions of 20th century, that we as humans should feel proud of. After all centuries from now, our future human race will talk about the invention of IT, just as we talk about invention of fire. So here is my formal bow to something I owe everything quite literary.

Laws related to living beings for example governments, organizations i.e. laws related to any economic or social structures in general are pretty murky, resulting in various loop holes embedded within them, most of which I presumes are intentional and some of which are sure unintentional. Laws related to things and objects on the other hand, for example laws that fall within science and engineering domain, are very straight forward, are rational and fixed, reflecting their universal and timeless characteristics. When we add 2 + 2 the result is most certainly 4. Language, geographic location, culture, race or time doesn't affect its outcome does it?

IT is what it is right now because of its independence from any laws related to living beings. Living in a society we humans are bound to have laws so as to avoid conflicts among-st ourselves and thus live peacefully. Now since we haven’t evolved to think em-pathetically and compassionately it’s hard to come up with laws that are universally beneficial to one and all. Wars, corruption, poverty, violence, thefts, murders, rapes are an outcome of our failure to not to think em-pathetically and compassionately. Governments, MNC's [top 1% of living population or the super-rich guys/gals] are spending millions upon millions of dollars to abuse these non-universal, non-beneficial to all, laws, so as to escape the responsibility and still make considerable amount of profit. A common man [39% of living population] on the other hand found himself puzzled and tied up and is clueless playing this very same game, I call it “The Game of Laws“. The poor [60% of living population] as always is struggling to survive and sort of waiting for its last breathe so as to leave the game unnoticed, nothing much is expected from them either. This game has been rigged from hundreds of years and will remain so until we reach a higher level of consciousness and redesign our currents biased, non-universal laws related to both social and economic domain.

Luckily the field of engineering is independent of these murky, social or economic laws especially at the time of an invention. Since IT was left public, as in it wasn't overlooked by a particular government or an organization; it has changed the world in unimaginable ways. As no one knew up until now, what is the real power of IT, so governments and giant’s organizations weren't interested in forming laws for initial 10-15 years wherein the growth of IT spread universally and serve humanity at its best!! (Unfortunately its independence is reducing at an alarming rate these days, as organizations and governments are all pounding on IT domain as hungry wild dog’s pounds on fresh meat.)

IT allowed people to work on an idea independently, which served as a fertilizer for a flower of creativity to blossom and get its colors. Thousands of individuals worked on hundreds of ideas, tens of which failed miserably but a rare few gained momentum and ended up helping humanity in unimaginable and most of the time  unintended ways. IT gave people a platform wherein they were free to experiments and since the platform had a rational, fixed mathematical model, the outcome were bound to be universal and timeless, thus proving beneficial to rich, common and poor man equally without any biases.

Any invention through science and engineering domain is just a tool at its birth. This includes all electronic devices, mechanical devices and let’s not forgets medicines.  And these tools are not biased from any angel to any culture, race or class if we look at them independently. It’s only after the tools gets it momentum and humans realizes its importance, we design laws, and by we, I mean the top 1%, the super-rich guys/gals, to govern the proper usage of these tools. Now this is exactly where the game gets rigged, hoping you can picture it… just hoping!!

Anyways, IT in its nascent stage was left un-governed so it was the 39% population and not the 1% who got a chance to use the tool as its suite them, and yes that’s exactly what they did and we all can witness the results of just that all around us.  “The Game of Laws “specifically in relation to an IT domain was left un-rigged for a while but not anymore and that disheartens me the most. IT served as a boon to entire humanity but especially to a common man and I hope that there is a revolution soon so that the humanity pays its prize to the Poor and give them that, which was rightfully theirs, all along the way!!


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