The better the abuser you are, the higher the position you will be working in, in any organization. CEO’s, Board of Directors, Managers, Analyst’s, Team leaders etc. are all supposed to manage brains of humans working underneath them, thus are paid higher. Now the act of managing others and abusing others is so intertwined to one other that most people would just give up, rather then spent time, in figuring, this quite complex process out. But for the ones that do figure this out, paying higher seems to be a universal rule of law, to avoid any kind of resistance and keep the ball rolling.
Managing brains is paid higher because one is responsible of using brains of his employee’s, or humans that are working beneath him, in accomplishing tasks per his choice, which obviously may not serve well in fulfilling his employee wishes or their growth all of the times, quite similar to a donkey being forced to do things which he naturally would resist if given a choice. A donkey never wishes to, take a load of bricks on his back, and move it from one point to another, he rather hates it. Every cell in his body resists in doing so. But he realizes pretty soon that, if he continues to do it, he will be rewarded with food, which is otherwise much harder to fetch on his own. This mere uncertainty of getting food on his own makes him do things against his own will.
Now it’s hard to consider a human being as a donkey, legally I mean, and take out work from him, so we have all kinds of perks to entice the humans to work as corporate slaves in present world. To make other people work for you is hard, is unethical, it needs a smart cunning tongue, MBA's, advertisers; managers are all paid higher for having this much needed tongue. Human beings are hard to manage as they all are intrinsically different. Running a company of even 20 employees is so not a joke. One of the ugliest and most sneaky term that is being used, which I hate, to cover this all up, is “human resource”. Underneath this fancy term, it’s invented fairly recently too, therein lies a world so rottenly ugly that when one consciously stares at it, it causes tremendous amount of uneasiness, pain, nausea and even makes one vomit.
This whole process of giant organization giving employment and making high margin profit is fairly new like 100-150 years old. To makes itself work, these organizations obviously needs people, that too in huge numbers. Now the easiest ways to accomplish this is brainwashing or let’s just call it “Education” because the former term is highly disturbing. The whole education system is thus designed by governments for fueling these giant organizations. Since government and organizations are like two wheels of the same bullock cart. The skills that keep humans independent of these organizations such as farming, pottery, plumbing, carpentry, music, painting, sports etc are heavily and intentionally kept underrated while designing these education factories, which is merely a brainwashing laboratories, if you can see a bigger picture. And farming especially was underrated the most, as it’s the most dangerous skill set for any organization to succeed and is thus dis-valued by, any governments, as it possesses incredible power to make one independent in so many terms. Like if I can produce my own food, therein goes the whole capitalist architecture that these organizations thrive on. Please wait for my future blog to describe this in details.
But my point is in depicting how the whole society is designed to run a few handfuls of organization and how humans are manufactured as blue collar slaves. The scale at which this slave manufacturing is going on is shuttle to observe but this shuttle conspiracy can still be seen breathing around the whole world with a rationale pairs of eyes. Now, before I realized this conspiracy myself, I had already lost 25 years of life including ten years of my precious youth, and am thus at a point of no return now. I have signed up for things I am certain cannot bring me deep and actual satisfaction of any kind. And to realize that not only I but millions of youth just like me have been brainwashed, to let people, people like our managers, our bosses, the police, the government, arm manufacturer and our endeared devilish media to name a few, abuse us, is so frustratingly amazing isn't?
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