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Job Hopping: An Exciting Phase of Life!!

Imagine a human being who is lost, who have no idea what life is all about, who doesn't know what is he good at, who is unsure about which job should he do, for his entire life especially. A human being who is pretending to know, about things that he actually doesn't know about, someone who is ignoring his ignorance, suppressing his inability, his un-foresightedness, his lack of understanding about himself and things surrounding him.

Well can one imagine what’s real? The words ‘imagination’ and ‘reality’ are antonyms of each other aren't they? So why haven’t we accepted this reality, now this question needs some heavy imagination, LOL!!

Anyways, let’s concentrate on “doing a job for an entire life” part. One must be really smart and entirely confident to choose a job and commit himself in doing it, his entire life isn't? Now, what percent of human race is smart and confident in choosing a job to stick to, for an entire life, see my point!

Instead of our current non sensible way of making a living, How about spending some time, like a couple years at least, before one is forced to or gets eligible for picking a job for lifetime. Let’s set a limit for five years maximum, that way one is not foolishly hopping on, from one kind of job to another, indefinitely.  It’s a nice setup, much needed one too, is it not? It’s quite a natural way to choose a job for a lifetime in this manner, if you ask me. You hop on a variety of jobs that you feel comfortable with and then pick the final one, whenever you feel you are ready for it.
Not only, such a setup kind of keeps us grounded and brings in better perspective of a world, but also it helps in bringing the much needed respect, while meeting peoples with different backgrounds doing all kinds of jobs. Additionally, it will boost the happiness index of our society on a whole too. And efficiency and productivity will be natural outcomes and not just side effects if such a model is put to test.

To shed some more light on this, think about when was the last time you looked at a janitor and smiled. When did you met a gardener, or a road side food seller, or someone working in construction and looked them right in the eye with similar kind of  respect that you feel within you, when you meet your bosses or colleagues, do you see what I mean? To give it  a personal touch, I have been to a restaurants or a food court or a fast food center like hundreds of times until now, but never did I recalled looking at those persons with respect. Knowing perfectly well that the person serving me food is a human being just like me, sadly I have never treated them like one. Now this situation changes instantly if I had an experience working as one of them. Had I worked in MacDonald’s for couple of months, I would have treated those same peoples, entirely, differently, hope you get what I am pitching.

My point is, me working as a “software engineer” for my entire life will restrict me in getting to meet people with different background. So I would end up being just another jerk! Willingly or unwillingly doesn't matter. I would never have friends who are farmers, who work in constructions, who work as electricians or a plumber or a gardener etc. I would never meet, MEET, people who drives taxi, people who carry luggage, people who cooks tiffin boxes, people who sew cloths, people who repairs umbrellas or watches, people who collect garbage, people who herds sheep’s or cows and even doctors, and artists for that matter.

There are varieties of jobs out there, I can’t enlist all of them but doing variety of jobs makes you more human I wonder whether you see that? Restricting ourselves to do a single job is a direct strategy carved to fuel industrialization but this doesn't suite us anymore. We are out of industrialization age, we can’t dumb our entire human race and converts them to single skilled machines just to make profits and keep the economy ball rolling. Please note that economy is invented and is not written in stone. Things can change and in fact things must change, the destruction of Mother Nature is alarming us to double check our current strategies before we reach a point of no return.

Doing all kind of jobs for a couple of month and moving on is awesome like imagine working in a hotel, building bridges and dams, in an army or navy, fishing, gardening, potter, metallurgy, painting, working in a museum, as a librarian, as a janitor which I think is a must, as a chef, in IT, in hospitals, in accounting, in advertising and marketing, as a lawyer, as a cop, as an watchmen, in a radio station, in a media channels, in a film industry etc. each for some time, unless you finally feel at home. I am a software engineer currently but had I given a change as per the above setup I may have ended up been a farmer or a teacher who knows?

To end up, I truly believe that if we promote a minimum of two years of job hopping to our younger generations then not only we will nourish our human relationships but also we will give birth to a much stable and contentious society.


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