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Jindagi na milegi dobara

Jindagi na milegi dobara / There is no second life / Life is to enjoy

I always wonder is it a pity that most people just don’t scrutinize the facts or is it an excuse, an anesthesia that humans use to bare themselves from the utter pains of reality.

A phrase like ‘Jindagi na milegi dobara’ for an example reflects so much of this mind numbness that I am talking about. An illusion that generation after generations endears. And it’s the universality of such an illusion that shocks to me my bone.

“Life is to enjoy” is such a blatant lie if you think about it. Rationally I mean. If there is not even a single trace of me left once I die then, what difference would it make in having a count of how many places I have visited? Or what family, village, state, country I belong? What difference would it make in whether I was a president of United States or a prostitute in a brothel in Calcutta sold by my mother? It might hurt, breaking an illusion of such kind; I know that, but it’s necessary to wake up and accept reality as it is, so here let me help you out.

“Santa Clause” is an imagination that generation after generations passes to their young ones, who will repeat the same process to their young ones and so on. If I don’t accept it, it wouldn't bother me anymore, isn’t? Similarly, “Success” is also a figment, an imagination in our society. It would be hard for you to grasp it I realized so let’s step back a bit.

What one is supposed to do with one’s life is certainly an important question and a human is bound to clash with it, once he or she matures. There are two alternatives now to deal with this situation. Either accept that we are all clue less and that we still haven’t quite figure out “the answer” if at all there is one or accept the second alternative, which is what most societies have already accepted, as its easier and it guaranties certainty of some kind, it’s somewhat hard to put it in plain words but if I am bound to, I’ll say it’s an idea of “Success”.

What’s success? In 20th century its, to have an education, to have a degree like bachelors or master’s, to have a house, to have a family, to have a car, to visits places, to have knowledge of science, history, geography, economic etc. The more the better and its endless, it has no limits, no endpoint. I mean it has to be “endless” or else it won’t work, I wonder if you see that. Endlessness is the key for the imagination of ’Success’ to work.

Now what will happen to a runner if there is no end to a race? Just imagine a runner is running with no end line. Obviously he will get angry, frustrated and exhausted wouldn't he? So the inventors of the race have to come up with a solution or else runners will stop running and it will create chaos. The solution is “milestones” the race just won’t end as you can have endless milestones. A runner will run until he hits a milestone and can rest, re energize his body and continue chasing another milestone. Smart way to keep the runners running in an endless race isn't  Brilliant I must say. The race, in here, represents life and runners are human beings, seven billion of us including you and me and milestones, are various stages of success that you and I have built up in our minds.

So, why are we still running? Well let’s imagine we all stopped, all of us, seven billions of us realized “he! You know what, success is an illusion, a figment, and I don’t bother about it” OK. Great.  What will we all do? There is not much to do, so most of the time we will be free and that will undoubtedly create chaos. We are not used to dealing with large chunks of free time. We haven’t evolved that much yet. Well not most of us I must clarify. Monks do for an example. In facts Monks, Nuns are the ones who have already realized this and have stopped running long time back.

Anyways, you see what I mean; ‘Life is to Enjoy!’ is just a technique to make it easy for you to keep running. No one actually knows what life is for? So don’t bother about whether you are successful? Whether you are educated? Whether you have been to, many places? Whether you look pretty? Whether you are fat or rich? Well mostly it’s correlated!

To conclude, the ones who have stopped running are definitely wiser so respect them and continue running if you wish. And don’t bother about how many milestones you have crossed, cause it doesn't matter, it’s all fake. Remember that you can stop running if you can deal with ‘free time’; whenever you want and please stop saying RIP it makes no sense.


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